Henry Ford Broke His Promises.

One of the defining features of narcissism is the frequency of broken promises, by a person who is loyal only to himself and tends to view himself as the real “victim.” Henry Ford, the narcissist, was not a man one could trust with his word. In the immediate aftermath of World War I, Ford welched […]

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Why Did Henry Ford Hate the Jews?

Henry Ford actually knew and liked a number of Jews who he knew in the particular. His neighbor Rabbi Leo M. Franklin and prominent Detroit architect, Albert Kahn come to mind. His dislike ran to the abstract concept of Jews operating within the stream of commerce, particularly those engaged in investment banking and agricultural product […]

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A New History of the Holocaust.

  The New York Times reported today and yesterday that Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany, just removed a right leaning German minister, Hans-Georg Maassen, from the Office for the Protection of the Constitution for his alleged failure to effectively monitor and control the rise of neo-facist political parties in Germany. Facism is very much […]

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